NEGATIVEConclusive opinion: The evidence provides very strong support for the proposition that the writing in question was NOT written by the writer of the specimen / sample writing.
The examiner has no reservation or qualification whatsoever and, generally, an alternative explanation may be realistically disregarded.
The evidence is regarded as “conclusive” from the examiner’s point of view.
Highly Probably NOT written: This evidence provides strong support for the proposition that the writing in question was
highly probably / in all probability NOT written by the writer of the specimen/sample writing.
This opinion level, which just falls short of the conclusive level, is used when there is an identifiable limitation associated with the examination process.
In this instance, it is
highly unlikely that an alternative explanation represents the truth.
Probably NOT written: This evidence provides some support for the proposition that the writing in question was probably NOT written by the writer of the specimen / sample writing.
This level of opinion is also, on occasions, described a
“limited negative evidence” and may be used denoting there is a restriction of the examination e.g. small amount of writing concerned, inadequate comparison samples available, poor copy material available etc. In such circumstances, the evidence could be regarded as being weaker relative to the above and far from conclusive.
INCONCLUSIVE RESULTInconclusive: No opinion can be expressed as to whether or not the writing in question was written by the writer of the
specimen / sample writing.